Ann Pizzorusso’s 58-page booklet “Leonardo da Vinci: Geological Representations in The Virgin and Child with St. Anne” had me from its first paragraph.
Read MoreLeonardo da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks at the National Gallery in London is a copy of his original painting that hangs in the Louvre in Paris. (Photo: Joseph Kellard)
Connecting Differences with da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks
Last year, I photographed mountains in central London—the distant blue jagged peaks in Leonardo da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks at the National Gallery.
Read MoreDa Vinci-Themed Summer: D.C. Exhibit Extols the Mind, Tech and Business
When I returned to my friend Laurie’s flat in Wimbledon from Windsor Castle on my last full day in London, she asked: “What would you say was the highlight of your trip?”
Read MoreLondon, Laurie and Firsthand Experiences with Leonardo
Later this year I’ll travel to London to stay with my friend Laurie and her husband, Gethyn, and visit museums, libraries and other venues to view the paintings, drawings and notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. My trip will be a solid success if, on returning to New York, I’m more energized and equipped to write my book about the Renaissance artist and polymath.
Read MoreLeonardo da Vinci delighted in drawing intricate lace designs. Circa 1495, this knot is among six of its kind that were reproduced as engravings, one of which was a woodcut by German artist Albrecht Dürer, sans the “Academia Leonardi Vinci” motto.
New Da Vinci Blog to Aid Book Project
There is so much that a multifaceted man who lived more than half a millennium ago can teach our modern world that desperately needs a second Renaissance. That’s one reason I’ve started a new blog devoted to Leonardo da Vinci.
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